Tractor T-150, T-151K, T-156

Tractors T-150, T-151K and T-156 - the powerful wheel tractors with four-wheel drive and articulated, and refers to a general-purpose tractors, drawbar category 3. The distinctive feature of these models of tractor - is universal, namely: mix in it the qualities of modern high-speed general-purpose tractor and towing vehicle

Select parts category for tractors T-150, T-151K and T-156:

ᐉ Tractor T-150, T-151K, T-156 from Motor-Agro

Parts and items to the tractor T-150

tractor T-150 is designed to perform all kinds of agricultural works: plowing, continuous cultivation, seedbed preparation, peeling, harrowing, sowing and harvesting of crops in the unit with machines and implements for class 3 tractors, work on transport on main roads and off-road trailers and semi-trailers up to 20 tons gruzoperevoznostyu work with road and road-building and other similar machines and implements.

In the online store Motor-Agro widely presented spare parts for all models range tractors Tractor T-150 :

  • parts for engine repair tractor T-150, T-151K, T-156
  • parts for repair of a tractor clutch T-150, T-151K, T-156
  • parts for repair of the frame and suspension of the tractor T -150 T-151K, T-156
  • parts for the repair of the transmission of the tractor T-150, T-151K, T-156
  • parts for repair of a tractor gearbox T 150 T-151K, T-156
  • parts for the repair of the steering and power take-off shaft of the tractor T-150, T-151K, T-156
  • parts for the repair of attachments tractor equipment T -150 T-151K, T-156

Delivery to all cities of Ukraine provided by various transport companies and carriers. Available bank transfer and cash on delivery. If you have questions or need professional advice on repairs or tuning parts just call back to the experts of the company "Motor-Agro", the phone numbers listed on the site.

Contacts in Ukraine

Ukraine, Kharkiv, Autogenna, 12a

from 830 to 1700 GMT+3

+38 067 572 17 11

+38 095 871 38 63

+38 057 714 65 14

Didn't find the necessary spare part for your tractor, combine harvester, special machinery or equipment?

Just call MOTOR-AGRO specialists at the numbers listed on this site - we will help

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