Tractor T-16, T-25F, T-25

Self-propelled chassis T-16mg - a versatile four-row-crop tractor. Designed to perform with mounted machines and implements various activities in agriculture and other sectors of the economy. It has a high permeability and good maneuverability, simplicity and ease of maintenance, good maintainability. With hinged platform tipper chassis performs a variety of on-farm transport operations

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ᐉ Tractor T-16, T-25F, T-25 from Motor-Agro

Spare parts and accessories for tractors T-16, T-25F, T-25,

Universal wheeled tractors T-25F and T-25FM designed for mechanization of labor-intensive work in the unit removable and trailed agricultural implements and vehicles, and in the collective farms.

Contacts in Ukraine

Ukraine, Kharkiv, Autogenna, 12a

from 830 to 1700 GMT+3

+38 067 572 17 11

+38 095 871 38 63

+38 057 714 65 14

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