Spare parts for cars KrAZ and MAZ order and buy in the online store and wholesale ✈ delivery in Ukraine in any city ☎ call

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Spare parts for KrAZ and MAZ


The good permeability in combination with high load-carrying capacity and excellent maneuverability, and high structural strength in the pair to withstand high loads, provided a good mix money to make cars and special equipment KrAZ almost indispensable in a variety of industries.


People who buy products from this manufacturer, with great pleasure buy different types of passenger and cargo vehicles, and a large selection of original spare parts. MAZ any production car equipped with original spare parts made specifically for him. At the factory constantly innovate thereby increasing the reliability of equipment. factory warranty is 60 thousand kilometers in compliance with a plan. Engines, which put in the MAZ, comply with Euro-3,4,5 standards, which essentially gives a guarantee of maximum reliability and environmental friendliness, and, in turn, gives a minimum amount of noise during the operation.

Contacts in Ukraine

Ukraine, Kharkiv, Autogenna, 12a

from 830 to 1700 GMT+3

+38 067 572 17 11

+38 095 871 38 63

+38 057 714 65 14

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