Tractor T-100, T-130, T-170

The tractor T-100 - basic general-purpose model, manufactured Chelyabinsk tractor plant without hydraulic and places to install rear mounted system. . On the back plane of the transmission case mounted winch

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Spare parts and accessories for tractors T-100, T-130, T-170

Initially, the tractor was designed for use in a bulldozer D-353 with a cable-operated blade. Later dozer equipment has been upgraded through the use of a hydraulic system.

Tractors characterized by a high 60's level of comfort in the cabin. The cabin had a light, soft seat, mechanical ventilation due to the suction of the air into the engine from the cockpit. For fueling tractor used suction device operating by exhaust energy, allowing for the filling of containers arranged below the fuel tank.

tractor T-100 wide use on construction sites Soviet 1960-1980 of the cars of this type are still in operation. Name T-100 actually has become a prototype for the designation of the later models, such as the T-130, T-170 and T-10.

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