Tractor UMZ-6

tractors "Belarus" UMZ-6 are designed to work with mounted, semi-mounted and towed agricultural machines and implements, for driving working parts of different stationary machines as well as for a wide range of transport operations.

Select parts category for tractors UMZ-6, UMZ-6 KL/KM:

ᐉ Tractor UMZ-6 from Motor-Agro

Spare parts and parts for repairs on tractors UMZ-6, UMZ-6kl and UMZ-6km

Compared c previously manufactured tractors "Belarus» UMZ-6 is a new cab frame type, glazing-strength, tinted glass. In models of tractors UMZ-6kl and UMZ-6km significantly change the tractor controls, as well as a number of other structural changes aimed at customer satisfaction.

Contacts in Ukraine

Ukraine, Kharkiv, Autogenna, 12a

from 830 to 1700 GMT+3

+38 067 572 17 11

+38 095 871 38 63

+38 057 714 65 14

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