Harvester XK-100

Combine KSK-100 - a Soviet self-propelled forage harvester, is made on the "Gomselmash" from 1977 to the early 90s. The most common forage harvester in the USSR in the 80s. . It is intended for mowing grass, maize and other silage crops with simultaneous chopping and loading into vehicles, as well as the selection of rolls

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ᐉ Harvester XK-100 from Motor-Agro

Spare parts and accessories for combine KSK-100

In 1986 CSC-100A and KSK-100A-1, the processor has been upgraded, and there were modifications. the latter had the chassis terrain and driving axle with blocking, due to which provides high-quality crops cleaning on waterlogged peat soils and the depth of the track at the same time 2 times less than that of KSK-100A.

Then, It was created 100A-CSC-2 and CSC-100A-3, as well as modifications drum kit header widths of 3 m for harvesting maize or other rough-stemmed crops: KSK-100A-B, 100A-CSC-B-2, KSK- 100A-B-3.

Contacts in Ukraine

Ukraine, Kharkiv, Autogenna, 12a

from 830 to 1700 GMT+3


+38 067 572 17 11

+38 095 871 38 63

+38 057 714 65 14

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