Tractor K-700, K-701

tractor K-700 - Soviet wheeled tractor general purpose terrain class 5. It is intended to perform operations with mounted, semi-mounted and trailed agricultural machines shirokozahvatnymi (plowing and deep loosening of the soil, cultivation, disking, harrowing, shallow plowing, sowing, snow retention), transportation, road construction, land reclamation, excavation and other works

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ᐉ Tractor K-700, K-701 from Motor-Agro

Spare parts and accessories for tractors K-700, K-701

1 February 2002 Petersburg tractor factory ceased production of tractors "Kirovets" K-700 and K-701, and those that are on the market, They are typically recovered from the old.

Contacts in Ukraine

Ukraine, Kharkiv, Autogenna, 12a

from 830 to 1700 GMT+3

+38 067 572 17 11

+38 095 871 38 63

+38 057 714 65 14

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